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The Year in Review for the SMC Journal, and Performance Engineering everywhere in 2022.

Air Date: 12/29/2022

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Show Notes:

What have we done in 2022?

Feedback from you:

  1. You want to hear more about Observability, and places within modern IT where performance overlaps into other areas (DevOps, Platform Engineering, Chaos/Resilience, etc). So I will. 
  2. You want FEWER episodes. It’s hard to keep up with two per week. We are moving to once a week. 
  3. You want more content that shows how to use a product or how to solve a specific problem with a product or products. And so we will.
  4. You want more technical content in written form, like blogs. So I will be writing more in 2023.
  5. You also want to get a summary once a month from me of all the stuff I am doing in an easy to read email where you can quickly look through it and check out the things that interest you. We will be starting a mailing list.
  6. We will be expanding the rack of interesting stuff, so feel free to send me stuff to put on the wall. Contact me to find out where you can mail stuff to.
  7. We’ll be updating some of the look and feel of the show, upgrading cameras, equipment, the websites, etc

A big “thank you” to all of the sponsors that made the show happen this year. Sponsorship is key to the continuation of this. There is no way I can create all of this content and do full-time consulting. If you like this content, consider sponsoring it or contacting the existing sponsors to encourage them to keep their sponsorship going. Let them know you find this content valuable.


This podcast is sponsored by Foulk Consulting. They offer high quality consulting services around application performance management, and operational monitoring of system performance. Ryan Foulk and his staff of highly experienced consultants can handle any of your needs around Application Delivery Management, Analytics, Application performance testing, monitoring, and digital management. Find out more at 

This podcast is sponsored by StormForge. The StormForge Platform focuses on AI-powered software designed to help DevOps teams release with confidence and IT leaders to realize the promise of cloud-native – faster innovation with higher quality, resiliency, scalability, and efficiency. 

This podcast is sponsored by Orasi Software. For over 20 years, Orasi, a DevSecOps innovator, has helped companies innovate, accelerate, and automate the entire software delivery lifecycle. Orasi AppSec and OrasiCloud solutions and services offer full lifecycle support and integration to ensure scalability of transformative applications. Also, the makers of OrasiLabs, the “train anyone anywhere anytime” AWS cloud-native virtual eLearning platform, Orasi works with hundreds of global brands as customers and partners, including Fortune 500 companies, across a variety of industries. Find out more at