DDOS attacks are on the rise. In this episode, we discuss the types of attacks and how to create a mitigation strategy against bad BOTS.
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Show Notes
On March 8th, a complex attack affected both Datadog, Catchpoint, and WebPageTest
Netscout finds Distributed Denial of Service attacks have jumped almost sixfold since 2019
DDoS Mitigation: The Definitive Buyer’s Guide
Ron Foster from Saltworks Security shares how to identify and mitigate these kinds of attacks.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rfoster/
Here is another podcast with Ron Foster on security testing.
This podcast is sponsored by Saltworks Security. For almost 10 years, Saltworks Security has delivered world class application security services and products, designed to help enterprises secure their applications from policy to production in an ever-changing security landscape. They are the makers of Saltworks Saltminer, an application security management platform, designed by security professionals, for security professionals.
SaltMiner aggregates and normalizes issues found by many different solutions then enriches that data with business context. SaltMiner gives team members from the C-suite, security and development teams the ability to manage their application security program through customizable views.
The Saltworks SaltMiner Community Edition is a free Penetration Testing Management and Delivery application. It provides teams with custom reporting for potentially thousands of end users, red team support and the ability to manage new and retesting of engagements. SaltMiner Community Edition also allows teams to enforce both testing methodologies and custom vulnerability databases for consistency in engagement delivery.